The Parents

Well, the big question of today is: How many Liebmanns does it take to post a photo onto this blog? answer: Dunno. Still counting. Technology is not our strong suit!  With or without photos, though, we had a GREAT first day. Cut it a bit close at the airport in spite of a grisly 4:30am wake-up time, but got out of NY just fine and arrived on time to a sunny Denver. Our rented minivan is slightly petit, but all our paperwork was smooth so we hardly care. Hertz had us on the road fast (what bliss to be in a clean car for a change!) and we were off to our first day of joy by 10am local time.

And, a day of joy it was. Great attitudes from the kids (YAY!!) we're the lynchpin, augmented by good weather and lots of luck.  Dear old destiny led us immediately to a perfect diner with awesome milkshakes, Elvis videos, and 5cent burgers for kids on Wednesdays. YUM!  Our next stop was 2.5 hours north  in Wyoming (2 states in the first 3 hours -- not bad!) in Cheyenne for their Frontier Days, a giant fair event where we watched a couple of great hours of real rodeo champions doing their stuff (imagine cool photo here), rode a couple of carnival rides (imagine typical carnival photo here), and all in all had a grand ole time.

Our final destination today was not Cheyenne, but 2.5 hours further north, in Lusk, WY. The town is not much (chosen just to get us closer to South Dakota, our first big stomping grounds) but the ride here was gorgeous and included everything from cattle and mesas to rolling hills and sunsets.  It's soooo beautifully open. We loved it! And, we lucked into another perfect meal on the way in the town of Torrington where we in spite of ordering chicken noodle soup with no chicken, steak salad with no steak, and a BLT with no T, all our food was delivered perfectly by the nicest waitress ever!  CLEARLY, the vacation gods had our back today!  Maybe tomorrow the technology gods will stop by?  That's all for now! ... barb


  1. Great post. So glad your epic vacation got off to a wonderful start. In 3weeks I'm wondering if you'll still say "our rented minivan is slightly petit...but we hardly care."

  2. was "lynchpin" an intentional pun????!!!!! Great blog. Have a ball....xo to all Big Momma

  3. got day 2 by going to "home" rather than "the parents" but there is no place to comment on that site. So, I want to know which is the healthy, natural food.....the dogs or the smokes????? And dad wants to know which is vegetarian. Sounds like you all are having fun (so far). Keep enjoying. xoxo the "rents

  4. what happened to all that good blogging????? You have all been eaten by the bears....or is it the wolves????? xoxo M and D

  5. Your Yellowstone adventures sound terrific....glad the bags were useful. You missed another geyser which blew while you were there....higher than old faithful and hadn't blown for 50 years! enjoy the rafting and, even more, the hotel, showers, laundry and good hot food!!!! All is calm here and all are in good health. We miss you all. Tell Ava her color is VERY hard to read.....xoxo M and D

  6. Hope the "bugs" have gone away and that you are enjoying the end of the trip. All is well back here in the dwarf-like East. Saw the NYC Weinstein group yesterday, boys just returned from camp all bigger, sunburned and wonderful...parents looked a bit dazed at the end of their quiet, empty-nester Summer. We are all packed and ready to go (have you heard the Arrivals Terminal at Nairobi burned to the ground earlier this week in a small fire which rapidly became massive due to traffic jams and lack of equipment?!) but looking forward to seeing you all before we do.

    Always wanted to rent a houseboat on Lake Powell, so maybe another time! Also always wanted to raft the GC.

    Love you all....miss you.....Grandma and Gramps

  7. ok, Mom and Dad, we hope YOU had a great time....we MISSED YOU. Have a great last day and HURRY HOME to us!!!! Love, Jada and Josie
